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Things are heating up in this eighth episode of Quinnipiac Tonight! Hosted by Student Government Association’s Sophia Marshall and Max Mällien, we get a special look inside a special SGA grievance and see how QU students react when Sophia and Max hit the streets with burning questions. We also get to see how phone calls are really made at the Polling Institute and how SGA prepares for an intense State of the QUnion.
As Tik Tok becomes a social media phenomenon, our cast cracks into what the perfect Tik Tok boyfriend looks like. We also get a special part 2 of a previous segment, “Jesus Who’s the Father” where we finally get all questions answered from Jesus himself. Finally, in this week’s Hot Goss we take a political turn and discover what weird events are happening around the world.
All this and more in episode 8 of Quinnipiac Tonight!
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