This year on Student Media Showdown…four student media organizations head to head in the live anticipated annual competition. The Q30TV entertainment department produces the event, along with Liz Ippolito and Keith Savage as the hosts for this third edition of the show. The contestants are Will Teare representing Q30TV, Neha Seenarine representing The Chronicle, Matt Mugno for QBSN, and Jen Moglia for WQAQ. The theme is Hollywood & film and the contestants must compete in various rounds to see who ends up on top.
For the first round, each contestant must show off their talent. Will plays the impressive game “Moviedle” where he is given a sped-up version of a film in a one-second clip, where he must guess which movie is shown. Jen then brings up an audience member for a mock radio show episode and Matt shows off his game recall skills. Finally, Neha face paints one of the judges, QBSN Chairwoman, Emily Sweeney. There is no elimination, only cheers from the audience.
In the second round, all four contestants go head to head in student media trivia. They are asked questions regarding their organizations and the leaders of each. After Will and Matt fight it out during the last five questions, unfortunately, Will is eliminated from the competition.
Next up is the “best dressed” round where the remaining three contestants dress up as their favorite movie characters or Hollywood celebrities. Jen does her best take on Strawberry Shortcake, Neha impersonates Adam Sandler, and Matt is inspired by “Stranger Things” as he dresses up like Steve Harrington from the hit series. The judges have a difficult time deciding on who to send home, so the audience’s applause is the ultimate deciding factor in the elimination of Matt from QBSN.
In the very last round of the show, Jen and Neha answer the “final question” where they have one final chance to prove to the judges why they should win for their organization. Neha wins over the judges and the crowd with her heartfelt speech about what The Chronicle means to her. The Chronicle wins for the second year in a row with Neha taking home the first-place trophy!
Keep an eye out for the fourth annual Student Media Showdown competition next year to see which organization will claim the prize.
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