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Coming up on #That, Quinnipiac Film Societies’ Megan Machell and Matt Scoopo are in the chairs to host. They talk about Montage’s Open Mic Night, Student Programming Board’s Paint by Numbers Palooza and more. Sean Raggio is back with Trunk Talk to talk about the last few seasons of Rick and Morty before the new season begins.
After a quick commercial, Kerry Golden gives a movie review of Hustlers starring Jennifer Lopez and Johnny Marquardt is in the chair for some hilarious Weird News.
Up next, Tyler Toledo joins the hosts for the Hollywood News Update and they discuss Disney+, a new Pixar movie and more.
In the last part of our show, Margaret Ross, the president of the QU Legends Acapella Group, is in for an interview.
From Hamden to Hollywood, we are your source for Quinnipiac’s Entertainment News!