As November flies by, many attempt to jump right to the Holiday season without acknowledging the important holiday in between, Thanksgiving. Over the years, our favorite television shows have stepped up their game for the special holiday episode. Here are the top 5 best and most iconic Thanksgiving episodes of all our favorite shows!
Everybody Loves Raymond (Season 3, Episode 9) “The Lone Barone”
Everybody Loves Raymond is one of the most beloved sitcoms that has ever been on television. There is always an episode that someone can relate to. Something we can all connect with is our distaste for a change in tradition. In this episode, Deborah (Patricia Heaton) and Marie (Doris Roberts) decide to change their traditional Thanksgiving by having a healthier dinner complete with a tofu turkey. Ray Romano and Patricia Heaton portray their relationship perfectly in this episode. They play off each other’s energy so well and make their relationship fun for viewers to watch. Raymond and Deborah’s chemistry, paired with Frank (Peter Boyle) and Marie’s hilarious chaotic energy is the perfect storm for this holiday episode. This episode is fun to watch as we could all envision the nightmare of this happening at our own family gatherings.
Friends(Season 6, Episode 9): “The One Where Ross Got High”
Friends can do no wrong regarding a holiday special, but Thanksgiving seems to be their specialty. The gang tries to come together for Thanksgiving. Rachel (Courtney Cox) decides to put her cooking skills to the test and attempts to make a recipe from her cookbook that she has never used before. Joey (Matt LeBlanc) has a date with a model he is itching to get to. Mr. and Mrs. Geller (Elliot Gould, Christine Pickles) are bitter with Chandler (Matthew Perry) because they believe he got high at their house. All three subplots come together to create the perfect storm of everything that can go wrong on Thanksgiving. What makes this episode so special is even though nothing was going right for the group, they were still able to make the best of it and celebrate being together. This episode is comedic perfection and had a guaranteed spot on this list.
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
This Peanuts special is a classic. Families around America gather around their TV sets to watch each year. A stressed Charlie Brown ( must balance not letting down his friends and family on Thanksgiving after accidentally double-booking himself. In a panic, he enlists his dog Snoopy and his sidekick Woodstock to help with the event. Charlie Brown tells an inspiring story and shows the value of friendship within this episode. Snoopy and Woodstock can entertain viewers of all ages with their antics without even saying a word. This episode is iconic and remains to be the most-watched Thanksgiving special year after year.
Friends (Season 3, Episode 9): “The One With the Football”
Sibling rivalry takes over this Thanksgiving. Ross and Monica (David Schwimmer, Courtney Cox) replay a game of touch-football that was played when they were younger, but this time winner takes it all in The Geller-Cup. Every dirty play in the book gets used, and both teams play comically. Actors Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Leblanc have perfect physical comedy. The show had not done too much of this type of comedy before this episode. Along with the traditional antics of the group, the protruding rivalry makes this episode relatable to anyone going home to see their siblings over the holiday. While this episode isn’t a traditional Thanksgiving special, it is more than good enough to make the list!
Gossip Girl (Season 4, Episode 10): “Gaslit”
You might not expect Gossip Girl to deliver Thanksgiving perfection, but it definitely makes the list. This show differs from the rest of the specials on the list because it’s a drama that stays true to its genre. At the Van Der Woodson/Humphrey Thanksgiving dinner, everyone is angry with Serena (Blake Lively), who is nowhere to be found, until she wakes up, drugged, and calls 911. While this episode isn’t the most lighthearted, it is an incredibly well-written and well-acted episode of an already fantastic show.