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The Acropolis Diner, better known as Acrop, has been family owned for 45 years.

Paula Gioulos’s father, Bill Gioulos, has owned the diner throughout since she was a child.
“When I was 10-years-old, I would come in, do the register, wait tables and work with my father,” Gioulos said.
Gioulos said her father wanted to own a diner because he has always been a social person, but in 2006, her father retired. He then passed the diner down to Paula and her sister-in-law, Christina Gioulos.
The sister-in-laws love owning the diner together because they feel like sisters to one another, and they treat Quinnipiac students like family too.
“After hours, it’s definitely all Quinnipiac,” Chrisina Gioulos said. “It’s a hustling and bustling place, it’s really good.”
Many memories are made at this dinner for both the Gioulos family and Quinnipiac students.
“Many late nights have ended there, many mornings have started there,” senior Matt Halpin said. “You know you do your thing, you do your college thing, and you end up at Acrop having a great time and some great food.”
When it’s time for the Gioulos to retire, they’re hope their sons take over the family’s business. This means many more late nights and early mornings for Quinnipiac students and Hamden residents.