A Promise to New Haven Scholars

Kaye Paddyfote

Quinnipiac University and New Haven Promise announced a new scholarship for students in the New Haven area on Wednesday. This scholarship will be available to New Haven Promise scholars who enroll at Quinnipiac in the fall of 2020.

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“One of the things we’ve done is made college and career[s] a reality for New Haven youth,” New Haven Promise President Patricia Melton said. “We have an incredible opportunity today to announce a partnership that will extend college affordability and continue to develop talent in the city of New Haven.”

— Patricia Melton

According to the New Haven Promise website, students will receive a minimum of $25,000 of institutional aid per year as long as they meet Promise’s on-going academic standards for eligibility. Those students will also receive an offer of an on-campus paid work-study job during the school year. 

“This innovative partnership removes important barriers for higher education for students who despite their incredible talent might face financial obstacles in going to a great college,” Quinnipiac University President Judy Olian said. 

New Haven Mayor Toni Harp is also a board member of the Promise Foundation, Melton said during Harp’s time as mayor, “promise has really thrived under her leadership.” 

“President Olian, we’re so glad you came to this area and that you stepped up,” New Haven Mayor Toni Harp said. “Thank you so much…Built into this program is the promise made to the city’s public school students. To provide them with abundant educational opportunities that will allow each of them to explore their interests, pursue their ambitions and realize their potential.”

President Olian’s five-year strategic plan includes more initiatives and steps to further grow Quinnipiac’s student population to reflect more diverse backgrounds. This past summer Quinnipiac partnered with Gateway and Housatonic Community Colleges in signing a student transfer agreement, which allows students who graduate with a 3.0 with an associate’s degree in arts or an associate of science in business, college of technology engineering science, nursing or an allied health degree to transfer to Quinnipiac.