On this week’s newscast, Abby Blackmore and Jacob Resnick are on the main desk to start the show.
Vanessa Blasi has the details on the new announcement about the housing fee for Thanksgiving break. Jacob Resnick from the desk shares all the information on the parking lot public safety incident that happened last week.
Katie Coen reports on the reopening of the York Hill pub and grill, On the Rocks, and shares how students can benefit from this campus space. Averial Daja gives an international news update including the United Nations announcing a polio vaccine campaign.
Luca Triant gives the information about a new SGA initiative to allow students to save their money on softwares.
Olivia Kettell is in the studio to discuss national news regarding the Parkland school shooting and a Houston plane crash. Lo Yarnall has all the sports updates on women’s ice hockey and gives a preview to the women’s basketball season.
Closing the newscast, Tim Malone gives a spotlight on a Quinnipiac student who has been working on releasing a project for years.