Q30 Newscast: 11/20/19


Kerry Golden and Kassidy Berger are on the main desk for this week’s Q30 Newscast for all things Quinnipiac and Hamden.

Ethan McCabe is on the scene at the SGA-hosted Ask Away event and what the hosts thought of the event’s results.

Plus, with Barbora Hriňáková leaving her position as multicultural senator after being elected vice president of finance, another student has filled her former position after the SGA special elections.

College republicans and democrats debated each other in a QPSA-hosted even and Kaye Paddyfote has more.

Matt Bruin has the scoop on the nation’s top political news in the midst of a continuing impeachment inquiring.

Temperatures have been dropping drastically as late November comes. Eric Kerr has the numbers on what the sky will be looking like in the coming week.

Hannah Mirksy has the top stories from across the United States, including a report on a recent school shooting.

Nick Lewis is in the studio with all students need to know about Quinnipiac sports.