For this holiday edition of Sports Paws, Q30 President Joe LoGrippo and Sports Director Jacob Resnick took the desk to mark the end of the semester. The two started things off on the ice, recapping Men’s Hockey away weekend and awards. After giving an update on the latest USCHO poll, hockey beat reporter Gage Kilborne gave the men’s and women’s teams grades on their seasons so far.
After the break, Joe and Jacob hit the hardwood to review Men’s Basketball’s recent MAAC games. Men’s Basketball beat reporters Ross Meglin and Jack Main analyzed the team’s loss to Saint Peter’s on The Rebound. Then, Joe and Jacob looked at Women’s Basketball win over Yale before Women’s Basketball beat reporter Kylicia Smith sat down with Head Coach Tricia Fabbri and senior guard Mackenzie DeWees to break down their prep going into the holiday stretch of games.
To wrap up this holiday special, Joe and Jacob gave updates on Track and Field and Golf awards. Then, some Women’s Basketball players shared what they have on their holiday wishlist this year. To end the semester on a high note, SportsPaws put a winter twist on Top 5; this week, Joe and Jacob tackled Top 10 Coldest Plays of the semester. Then, the two revealed Q30’s Twitter poll results before previewing the winter break game slate.