It’s the mid-season finale of Quinnipiac Tonight season 10, hosted by Quinnipiac Film Society, Women In Film and Screenwriters Guild! This episode starts with Jack Gatta, who’s desperate to find a kiss this New Year’s Eve. Then hear about how easy a film major’s finals week is compared to any other. See behind the scenes of the makings of a Christmas morning as these kids’ parents consider themselves auteurs, featuring Julia Schnarr, Anthony Aicardi, Jacob Leighton and Rachael McKenna. Meet a local mall Santa and see the unique presents kids ask for.
Next, we have an advice column on how to adjust to life at home after spending so much time at Quinnipiac. Take a magical ride to New Haven and beyond with your driver, Jeff Fish, in The Polar Uber! Ari Menes and Julia Schnarr compete head to head in a holiday themed relay race, as the winner will have to dig their way to the top. Finally, follow Michael Castillo as he gets left home alone in his dorm, and has to defend himself against Nicole Miller and Schnarr trying to break in. All that and much more, live from the piazza, it’s Quinnipiac Tonight!