Quinnipiac Tonight: Santa Therapy, Bad Holiday Drinks, 12 Days of QU

Join us at Quinnipiac Tonight for hilarious moments as Sam Dorelain, Anna-Beth Haye, and Leila Celisie hosting for the African Caribbean Student Union on this Holiday episode. Watch as Santa played by Sam Dorelain goes to therapy given from Charley Novara, Armaan Rochlani and Anna-Beth Haye. Engage in the horrors of the terrible Starbucks with Armaan Rochlani, Nicole Miller, Charley Novara and Leila Celisie. Throughout the show find out if Quinnipiac Tonight has stuck to their New Years Resolutions with Anna-Beth Haye, Jamie Manley, and Leila Celisie.

Finally a huge collaborative effort by, Sam Dorelain, Leila Celisie, Armaan Rochlani, Jack Gatta, Aidan Flagg, Nicole Miller, Jamie Manley, and Charley Novara to make the 12 Days of QU. All that and more, live from the piazza it’s Quinnipiac Tonight!