Q30 Newscast: 01/29/20

Katie O’Keefe and Connor Ullathorne are on the main desk for the first Q30 Newscast of the semester.

Hephzibah Rajan is on the scene in the Mount Carmel Cafeteria to report on what’s new.

Plus, Quinnipiac president Judy Olian reveals the name of the upcoming York Hill pub and why she thinks it will improve student life.

Quinnipiac’s Counseling Service has changed their policies on walk-in appointments and Brooke Reilly has more on how this will affect students.

Chris Dacey has the scoop on the nation’s top national news in the midst of a continuing virus epidemic.

Temperatures have been dropping drastically as late November comes. Luca Triant has the full weather forecast for this week.

Kaye Paddyfote has the top stories in politics, including the ongoing presidential impeachment trial.

Mike Dalton is in the studio with all students need to know about Quinnipiac sports.