Student organizations to remain a safe space after the election

Hannah Mirsky, Executive Producer: Q30 Newscast

After four years under the Trump administration, Quinnipiac students are finding it harder to have conversations involving politics with their family and on campus.

Quinnipiac student organizations like Quinnipiac College of Republicans and QU Democrats advocate for different political beliefs, but both provide that safe space for students feeling uncomfortable speaking about their choices and beliefs.

“I feel like there is an issue within parties that you have to identify as one, like you are either conservative or liberal,” the President of Quinnipiac College of Republicans, Mariam Shawish said. “We don’t push for that in our club. We push for people to come speak to people in our club that might have the same types of views as you.”

Joining a political party based organization on campus helps students learn more about each political party.

“I feel like people have to be educated. They need to grow up in a sense on their own and I feel like a ton of kids our age kind of tend to just believe what their parents believe,” Shawish said.

More often than not, students who fear speaking out about their beliefs are those who have different views than their families.

“You might live in a household that doesn’t agree with you. I know a lot of our members, some of their family don’t necessarily agree with them politically so we like to have our club be a place where people can come and talk about these issues without feeling judged or discouraged,” the President of QU Democrats, Gina DiVito said.

Both organization presidents said that the younger generation’s lack of education in politics leads to a stronger divide amongst people.

“It helps you understand more where the political parties are coming from. I know some of my members aren’t even registered democrats, they just want to know more or they’re independents that lean more liberal so I think joining political orgs help you develop a better understanding of current events,” DiVito said.

Both clubs often band together to mutually speak on events that impact the country or use their platforms to hold civil debates. In June, when George Floyd was murdered, both clubs released a joint statement in unity wishing him rest and said they stand behind the people wishing to exercise their rights to protest.


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“Between the two organizations, the Democrats and Republicans, we do host an annual event each year where we host a debate between organizations to foster that political conversation,” DiVito said.

In October, both clubs along with the Political Science Association had set up tables outside of the student center to encourage students to register to vote for the 2020 presidential election.

No matter the outcome of the election, both clubs said they will continue providing inclusivity and free space to allow students to exercise their freedom of speech and expression.