HAMDEN, CONN –– On Tuesday, August 1, Quinnipiac University released housing assignments for the incoming Class of 2027, and a handful of students were shocked to learn they would be placed in a study lounge on campus.
A source told Q30 News that Quinnipiac Admissions over-enrolled students for the upcoming semester, needing more housing for the 2027 student body. The University had the choice to put the overflow of students in hotels or dorm lounges.
Quinnipiac University’s Chief Experience Officer Tom Ellett told Q30 News in a statement:
“We have approximately 50 students (as of today), who have been assigned to lounges to begin the fall semester. This number should decrease as we get closer to the beginning of the semester. We are using these spaces, as we have in years past, when we’ve had a better than expected year in admissions recruiting.”
Voicemails were dispatched to the families of those impacted by the dormitory issue. Q30 News obtained a transcript of these voicemails that was screenshotted and shared on the Class of 2027 public Snapchat story.
“Hi _____ this is Quinnipiac University office of Residential [Life]. We’re calling to let you know that housing assignments will be [ready this] afternoon and that you’ll notice that we’re very full, and you’ll notice that you are a place[d] in one of our nontraditional spaces which is a study [lounge] so you are placed in a study [lounge]. Commons is traditional quads however, this allowance [is] three times the size of a [quad so] that you have more space and there are seven other guys…however, once rooms become available […]” (end of transcript).
Edoardo Bassani, an incoming first-year student who received this voicemail, told Q30 News, “Since I’m new to Quinnipiac, I don’t have a clear idea of the accommodation they assigned me. From what I understand, it’s not a good solution. I’ve already contacted the Office of Housing and my counselor to ask for explanations, but [as of now] no one has responded yet.”

In anticipation for the incoming students who will living in these spaces, the University placed 6-8 beds, dressers, and desks in each lounge for each individual student.
Q30 News will provide more updates as this story continues.
Chris • Aug 20, 2023 at 11:07 pm
Guess this also means students in the residence halls are also without a study lounge. Seems like poor planning somewhere along the way.