By Joel Vanner and Jenelle Cadigan
The Quinnipiac Student Government executive board debates took place on Monday night.
The candidates for student body president, student body vice president, vice president for student experience, vice president for finance, and vice president for public relations came together in the lower cafeteria to discuss their plans, should they be elected to each position.
At the start of the debate, moderator and current Vice President Carly Hviding thanked everyone for coming and spoke about a few accomplishments SGA has made this year.
Hviding then invited this year’s candidates to the podium to speak about their platforms. The e-board positions and their candidates are as follows:
Running for SGA President: Joseph Mullaney and Christopher Desilets.
Running for SGA Vice President: Alec Turner
Running for VP for Student Experience: Ali Munshi and Camilla Abreu
Running for VP for Finance: Sal Nesci, George Corde
Running for VP for Public Relations: Ryan Lynch
Polls open at midnight Wednesday April 6 on DoYouQU and will remain open until 8 p.m.
You can watch the full SGA Debate here.